Thursday, September 27, 2012

I remember well ...

I happened on a lovely site la porte rouge and it moved me to read a similar story on the very day I was remembering a friend lost to me.  Everything to me has meaning:  messages in a cardinal perched on a fence, clouds in the sky taking shapes, a particular song playing on the radio ... perhaps I am too superstitious; it's the Scot in me.  My dear grandmother had a saying and belief for everything and she taught me well. 

When I read Nadia's story written in 2010, I was moved to leave a note.  It went as such:

It is funny I should come upon this post today as I wrote of my long ago dear friend I lost as a young girl just this morning. She died of leukemia. We were eleven. It was a time when I believed children never died, a time when I believed God would save her. I remember with such clearness how we danced together until we couldn't breathe. I remember our laughter and I remember the bible she kept with her. For so long, I had been afraid to see her. But I worked up my courage that one afternoon and we had been happy. I made her so happy. After her death, she had come to me in a dream to say goodbye. I remember asking where she was going and who was she with, but she merely told me to sleep. She would come to me in dreams after, always telling me when it was time for her to leave for me to go back and I couldn't go with her. I would ask why not or tell her to stay with me. I still think of her,though her visits have ended-- perhaps I am too old now, too occupied with grown-up concerns. She remains my dear sweet friend, my forever child. In those moments when I think of her, i am that child again. the joy and sorrow still as potent as the day.

I am compelled to read your story from start to finish. Now the why of it is a little clearer to me.
xo Kimberly

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Very early stories

My very first poem was written when I was eleven years old.  I wrote it for a friend who had died too young.  She had Leukemia - a disease as foreign to an eleven year old as the concept of dying.  But it happened ...  I'm not sure what prompted me to write it, but it was the beginning of discovering self-expression through the written word.  I was quiet, talked too softly, so I was often overlooked in a loud environment.  I didn't mind, preferred it that way most times.  But then there were times I wanted to shout, I am here!  Oh, I had a number of boyfriends and plenty of friends, not a loner at all, just quiet in certain environs.  Oddly enough, I could be the life of the party, if I chose to be -- I suppose it depended on my mood.  We are all so complex and every experience adds to that unique tapestry.

I continued writing after that first poem, getting positive remarks for my words.  As a mother, I was distracted from writing, no time or energy to put down my feelings on paper.  I was at peace, quite happy to just snuggle with my babies.  There is nothing so calming, such absolute peace, as rocking your child to sleep.  It is a moment on this earthly plane next to heaven.  Eternity spent in those special moments would be deemed perfection to me.

But, not quite so perfect are my stories (fanfiction) written years ago, some ten, others even older.  There are moments of almost brilliance and moments that are badly written.  I hope you will overlook the bad and take something from the good.  My greatest flaw is I am too lazy to edit.  I still go back to those stories and reincarnate the "good" for something new I might be working on, remembering what I wrote years before and how well it would fit. 

My stories: (The Magnificent Seven Fandom TV series)

Before the Wind

To Honor My Father

The Crying Waters

Walking the Roots




Monday, September 24, 2012

Autumnal vignettes and seasonal banner

Warmest thanks to Angela at Knick of Time for graciously sharing her template for a wonderful banner.   Go here:    (ugly link)

It was my first banner and her template really made it a simple, fun, creative experience.  I love how the banner looks against the buffalo check curtains in my dining room.  I printed off the template on linen colored cardstock sizing it to 2 5x7s on the paper.  I used a stencil and a black oil based paint Sharpie.  Quick and easy, but remember to work on a protective surface as the paint may bleed through the paper.  Anglea gives you other options for stenciling the banner.  After I let the paint dry, (not long), I cut the pages out and then used a single hole punch on the upper right and left hand corners of the page.  Next, I strung twine, inserting the twine from the front upper left hand corner and then pulling it back through to the front upper right hand corner.  I continued this process on all the stenciled pages.  I tied a knot to hold the last page in position and then when all the pages had been strung tied that end off as well.  (It's pretty self-explanatory and not as complicated as I seem to be making it. lol) 

Here's my banner:

Thanksgiving Banner

Or a banner for year 'round display

Dining Room tablescape

 Front porch autumn vignette
 Burlap wreath
Another display with fall foliage
view through old window to mums in window boxes

Have a great monday!  Kimberly X O

Friday, September 21, 2012

Small things bring me joy - new and old

Sheet Music Wreath hung over an old mirror
A little color in a wooden bowl
Berry wreath draped over books and a black candle lantern     
               Close up of Music Sheet Wreath and old Mirror's corner edge

 My family ~ I'm in the center.  Baby sister is eyeing my hair to pull. lol  Miss my mom and dad terribly ...
                 A very large tin tray from Lucketts Shop Online    

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Diane Ethier, Canadian Artist

Diane Ethier  Vague a l'Ame

Diane Ethier
old fishing creel

Diane Ethier

Diane Ethier was born in 1944, in Canada. Her first works in cloth were created at the time she studied textile art at the Centre des Arts visuels de Montreal. Since her works are reproduced, her reputation has spread through out Canada, United States and Europe. With an ingenuous and often humoristic eye, she succeeds in depicting the vast universe of her young characters. Sometimes, a scenario takes shape and continues along short collections of two or three works.

I've been trying to get as much information as I can on Diane Ethier, but have been hitting a dead end.  I am not very good at searching the web for information.  I find it frustrating at best.  Surprisingly, I hadn't really given a thought about the pieces, other than the fact that they have gone from home to home with me, having them for over twenty years.  On the back of the wood block it states bloc satinex and has a series of numbers, so it might have been a limited edition.  It also states made in Canada.  I didn't realize she had such an impressive body of work.  Delightful!

The video gives you a sampling of her work.

xo  Kimberly

Historical photograph and collectibles

Life has had its highs and lows these past few days.  Nearly one hundred year old pipes have a tendency to catch debris and create problems.  Dealt with that in short order, though our pockets are a few hundred dollars lighter.  A bit of a bump on the friend front -- long story short, fifteen years of being supportive in a dysfunctional situation was just taking a toll on me.  It was almost a relief in the end.  Not sure if I can or want to continue the friendship.  Those issues tamped down my enthusiasm to share anything here.

But then I decided to go through my dining room hutches and pulled out English china from my fraternal grandmother and some depression glass from my husband's mother, as well as, an amazing coffee set.  I thought I'd share some of my husband's history today.

I have this photo hanging on my refrigerator door.  It's a photograph from my husband's family sent to his father and mother during WWII. They had several relatives living in Poland during World War II.  My father-in-law fought in the Pacific Campaign with the Black Cats. (My husband's parents were much older when they had him.  They were closer to my grandparents' age than my parents'.)  My son has all my late father-in-law's journals and pictures.  He treasures them. 

I found a similar image of Jaslo online:

Jaslo, Poland

My husband loves this Chase Brass and Copper Mfg. Coffee Set.  There is a beautiful tray that goes to it as well.

Coffee set was designed by Walter Von Nessen (1889 – 1943 ) for the Chase Brass and Copper company in 1933.

I love when objects and photos tie into the historical past. 

xo Kimberly

Friday, September 14, 2012

Empathy and Inspiration walk hand in hand

Insight abounds as I wander through the concerns, joys, creations and disappointments of creative women on the web.  One such catalyst was a post by 

These were my thoughts:

I have shared my writing in public forums on the internet and I felt lifted by wonderful comments and flattered by praise, but it is always that one critical message that will send me reeling, believing the one negative review over the many positive words.  So easy to see and believe in the negative, no matter who may support and say otherwise.  It always boils down to self-belief.  I will never be completely there, everyday a struggle, but I believe the key is "creating" for one's self, for the pure love and joy of self-expression.  I often would feel unaccomplished in my life.  What if I don't fulfill God's plan for me?  What if I have a wasted life?  And then it came to me one day --  I have and continue to nurture and care for two wonderful children, guiding them so their own life's plan can be obtained.  As mother, we have been given the most difficult and joyous life plan handed to us from God.  As far as my writing is concerned, although I haven't been published yet (being upbeat), it dawned on me God has heard my words, knows I have put pen to paper, understands the stories I have struggled to tell.  Money is a man-made barometer of success.  One day when I am ready and if it's to be my life's plan, I will have that book.  If not, so be it.  I will always write, always find joy in creating things, but knowing my greatest success in God's eyes will be the two precious souls in my keeping and care.  I believe as Mother, this is the greatest truth.   kbj

My poem in my son's grammar school yearbook  2007

I had the honor of being asked to write a poem for my son's yearbook several years ago and I thought it was fitting, a symmetry of sorts to the conversation. 

Toward Things of Gold

With great hope,
we take that step
toward things of gold
with no regret --
With minds illumined,
we'll shape our path,
as well as, those of
humanity's mass--
With fervent faith
and God's guiding hand,
no doubt we'll achieve
our "life plan" --
So, send us onward
with your gentle touch,
and God's Good Grace
embracing us.

Kimberly Baker Jacovich 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Through misunderstanding, there is discovery

"I am reading as if it is a book, starting from its roots, the very beginning and now I have come to this chapter and I started to cry because there is peace in realizing and accepting the fear ... always mine even this day, this lovely morning, sitting in my mother's house, gone five years from my life.  She keeps me safe even now, but like you, I must one day live in a tent to realize and accept that fear as fortune.  I know you will not see this as I stole a glance at later chapters and life is abundant and joyful on those pages.  I will read on to capture those moments in between, the true heart of happy endings." -  Kimberly Baker Jacovich 

my fears are many, and of them, failure the behemoth - kbj

As always I am of two distinct places and fit in neither one.  - kbj

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The turnings of day

Morning light

Morning stillness and empty chairs

Afternoon light --
Joyful noise!

                                                                         Well-lit smiles!

Chaos reigns!  (that's my girl - lol)

                                                                  Bright as sunshine

                                                       Afternoon goes down to evening       

So this old world must still be spinning round and I still love you ...   James Taylor (So Close Your Eyes)

(My camera is not great and my knowledge of photography is minimal, but I have just begun to discover the magic of capturing moments.  I told my husband I would like a "good" camera as a gift.   lol)   Photos of my niece, daughter, and nephews doing their homework before piano and guitar lessons.  Very busy children!

xo  Kim 

Step Back in Time ...

I thought these images of 1900s kitchen and parlor were a wonderful glimpse of another time.  I don't have the exact date of these photos, but, I believe, they are photographs of my great-great grandparent's home. 

Vintage Kitchn

Vintage Parlor 

9/11 Reading of Names -- Eleven years later

Unfortunately, I don't know who to credit for this photograph.  My uncle had sent it to me many years ago.  I was told it is a photograph taken of ground zero.  I found it to be a moving tribute to those who have died, as well as, a statement of hope, no matter religious affiliation.

Living in Connecticut, I have the honor of hearing the families read the names of all those who lost their lives on 9/11.  I am grateful to the New York stations: WCBS, WNBC, and WNYW, who continue to give full and deserving tribute. 

xo Kimberly

Monday, September 10, 2012

An impromptu bit of writing. . .

I left this note on A country farmhouse

I didn't want to lose it from my memory, though I did a bit of tweaking to it.  I am happy to find this blog renewing my love of writing and putting things in order creatively.  It is such an important part of who I am, but difficult to find kindred hearts to commiserate.  

Chatam, Cape Cod, MA  Summer 1999 & Summer 2011

 My children are my life, a responsibility like no other. There is no greater earthly gift.  Each day, each month, each year, they become, achieve, accomplish with an unnoticed stepping away from my hand, fingertips. But this is my life's work as parent, meant to be, the reward so sweet, for they are beauty blessed.  I must as parent, love them well.
Easter 2012

A gentle September morn


A breeze springs from the earth and the world is set in motion.  Leaves twirl, dappling the ground, an ever-changing dance.  It appears quiet to my ears when I half-listen, but then quickly awakening to the cacophony of all the living.  It has been so long since I have felt something besides sorrow.  We were not raised to be self-indulgent.  I had told myself and all listening, I would rather cry the span of my life than feel nothing at all.  It is time to move on, to imagine things beyond this moment.  There is much more to be done.  The world is busy, not steeped in morosity.  A breeze springs up around me, touches me and I am inspired this gentle September morn.  I see farther than I have since Spring. 

I am able now to see the perfection in the imperfect, the quiet beauty of aging things. 

xo  Kimberly